Pasting with hierarchical structure
It would be nice to copy from other softwares with hierarchical structure and past in the MOO.DO
David commented
Hi creators! Related to this feature request, a long while back I wrote in to share a javascript fix to support pasting nested bullets from plain text into You implemented the fix and for a long while it worked. Somehow in a recent update this is now broken.
I'd like to be able to paste nested plaintext indented lists in the following ways:
Must (worked at some point before, now broken):
- Indented by 4 spaces
- Indented by 2 spaces
- Indented with tabsWish list:
- Paste various forms of markdown-formatted lists -
David commented
I see that this was marked completed this past week. That's great! I don't seem to see any difference in though when trying to paste hierarchical lists. Is the change going live soon? Thanks!
Mark T commented is really slick. This would be helpful for quickly getting info in and out. Not sure how some of the other features like linked emails would work with copy/paste, but at least basics like lists and headings and dates and tags would be nice to be able to paste. +1
GTDing commented
Liking the new markdown support, and it would go great with being able to copy trees from to edit them somewhere else and paste them back in to Thanks for a great product!
InRocks commented
Eduard K commented
Hi there. Checking out moodo based on Slack conversations and also need this feature to be really productive. Thanks!
John commented
Heather commented
Yes, really would like this to work. When I copy and paste from you do seem to keep the structure, but not when I paste back to
David commented
Hey guys, any update here? I'm sizing up options for managing my life after IQTell closed, and it's important to me to copy/paste back and forth between a text editor where I have the full power of that text editor and This seems like a really simple coding change to look for tabs and patterns of the same number of spaces between levels of pasted text (e.g. 4, 2).
PJ Eby commented
Not having this is a real pain for moving stuff into from other tools and outliners
ivan commented
Is there any news about this function?
Or it is still in process?
Thanks! - (Admin, Legend) commented
We'll set up our paste handling to parse for tabs and spaces and use that for hierarchy. Thanks for the suggestion!
David commented
I tried pasting from a plain-text file and the hierarchical structure is lost. I tried one file with all tabs for indentation then again with spaces for indentation. Both were pasted with no indentation.
ivan commented
notepad and word.
I also use a small software in the windows to collect information. It's named Boogunote. When copy from the Boogunote, hierarchical structure identified with spaces.
How to keep the hierarchical structure?
Use the tab or space?
I have tried many ways, but didn't find the right method.Thank you!
- (Admin, Legend) commented
Hi Ivan,
When we have the hierarchical structure available to us in the pasted data we do follow it. If you have a list of other software that we currently do not do this for please send it to [email protected] and we will take a look at it. Since the available data can vary widely based on the other software we have to look at it on a case-by-case basis.