button "сollapse all"
Add interface button, to collapse / expand all items

This was actually completed a while ago but we forgot to update it on uservoice. There’s now a few ways to complete all items:
Double clicking the title of the current parent as Brandon suggested
A button in the More menu at the top right of a pane
Ctrl + Shift + ,Collapse all top-level items
Ctrl + Shift + .
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Alt + Shift + ,Collapse all top-level items
Alt + Shift + .
Alt + Shift + Space
Sean Lu commented
How to collapse all none top level items?
Max Yakin Bozek commented
Yes, I also already asked for something very similar in another thread…
I think Moo.do has some advantages over WorkFlowy and that's why i am so interested in it getting better, but seriously WF is much more easier to navigate and control everything from the keyboard which is essential when your are a power user. I believe that Moo.do should emulate WF in the things the are better at, For example why not giving us the same just Workflowy-like zooming, the same key shortcuts and the capability to navigate, open, close, zoom and control everything just by using control, command and the navigation arrows? That would really be awesome! -
Mica commented
Yes, i'm not happy on how Moo.do shows everything Uncollapsed by default.
Having to manually collapse items.... When the natural approach (what i intuitevly expect) is that any item i click on, shows first the inmediate sub items, and only if i want to keep digging into one of the subitem i click on it to display further details and so on..
When i click on an item i expect to display only the next level of sub items, not all the sub sub sub items of everything!And if sometime i want to do that, i should have the option to right clik on the item and select a "display all uncollapsed down below items".. or something simmilar.. But it maybe an optional behaviour i can choose deliberately, not the default one!!
(sorry for my primitive english)
G. Strout commented
Also, you only have the 'Uncollapse All' option in the context menu set to display if all items beneath it are already Collapsed. This is not how people work realistically. There are many many times I want to make a partially collapsed list of sub-tasks switch to "all collapsed" or "all uncollapsed" view. Why force the user to make them all one or the other before offering the option?
G. Strout commented
Also, This does not work when looking at the Entire document. For example, when you are looking at "Home" there is no option to 'Collapse All" nor is there a 'Parent" Item that we can click.
The 'More' Menu shows the "Uncollapse All" but not a "Collapse All" option. -
G. Strout commented
I'm working on a Macbook and double-clicking on the parent item does not do anything but select the text in the parent item.
Brandon commented
In workflowy this is achieved with a Doubleclick on the parent that you want to collapse. it's very intuitive (once you know) without the need for another button.
John B commented
This would be really helpful. As it is now, when I open my master list, I have to do a lot of collapsing of sub-lists before I can easily get around.