Introduce more keyboard shortcuts for navigation, collapsing and expanding items. is quite mouse intensive for navigating tasks and collapsing items. More keyboard shortcuts would make it more efficient to enter data and find way around quickly

Anonymous commented
In a few places you describe how can be used as a kanban board. Well, ok, but it would be nice if there were some shortcuts for hat. So, e.g. as there is alt + ` shortcut for "Next Pane" there could be also ctrl + alt + ` for moving current task to the next pane. It could be just moving it to the last position on the pane on the right. Oh, and of course, there could be ctrl + shift + alt + ` for moving to the left pane.
By the way, I'm not sure that using ` for the shortcuts is that great. Maybe ctrl + super + arrows would be better? And moving the tasks with ctrl + shift + super + arrows. -
[Deleted User] commented
Keyboard shortcuts are essential for an outliner to be really effective and I think ***** have done a pretty good job.
One that I'm missing is a quick way to focus on a parent or sibling. The only way I can do it reasonably quickly without the mouse is to collapse, move then expand the nodes I'm interested in.
Danny Nelson commented
How about shortcuts for "Open in New Pane" and "Delete"? I use these frequently.
Anonymous commented
Can we have the shortcuts aligned to gmail shortcuts? For example, k,j to go up and down the list in the mail inbox.
Or at least customisable? -
Anonymous commented
Heartily agree, but want to add one more basic keyboard shortcut that even Workflowy doesn't have (drives me nuts) but other outliners do: a keyboard shortcut for quickly ADDING A CHILD ITEM of the line in which the cursor is presently located.
Sometimes it's a pain to position the cursor at exactly the end of the line you want to add a child to, and hit enter. I think using any outliner involves adding a lot of child items in "just the right place" and the less fuss there is to do this the better. :)
It's nice to be able to put your cursor any place in the line and just hit control-downarrow or something, to get an instant child of that line, ready to type!
Really like the plus sign button to add a child, but like all of you, I love using my keyboard over my mouse when I can.
Ivo Jimenez commented
Better yet, it would be nice to have a list of actions exposed (e.g. label email, jump to label, etc.) and let the user associate arbitrary keyboards to them.
Jerud commented
Definitely need a keyboard shortcut for cycling through panes. Having to get off the keyboard, move the mouse to a suitable area of the screen (especially with Calendar pane), and then swipe the trackpad is a big interruption.
J commented
The ability to zoom in/out by levels with keyboard would be nice: -
Thomas commented
+1 for keyboard shortcut to switch between panes (as per Justin's suggestion/request)
algpm commented still owes us these :)
"control+down arrow" should uncollpase the children items of that one list.
"control+up arrow" should collapase the children items of that one list you are over.
"control+right arrow" should zoom you into that item (as intuitively going to the right)
"control+left arrow" should get you out of the zoom and back into it's parent item.Also it is needed a double click in the parent item to collapse all / uncollapse all sub items. this is fundamental!
Please refer to how WorkFlowy do all these shortcuts and hotkeys which is perfect and it allows you to navigate and make every move just using the control+the arrows keys.
It's really intuitive, logical and saves a lot of time!
Peter.fg commented
I agree, please focus on less mouse requirement to move around. For example if you zoom in (Ctrl+Enter), do your thing, then zoom back out (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) you loose your cursor and have to go back to the mouse to click on the page before you can use arrow keys.
Max Yakin Bozek commented
Yes, I also already asked for something very similar in another thread…
I think has some advantages over WorkFlowy and that's why i am so interested in it getting better, but seriously WF is much more easier to navigate and control everything from the keyboard which is essential when your are a power user. I believe that should emulate WF in the things the are better at, For example why not giving us the same just Workflowy-like zooming, the same key shortcuts and the capability to navigate, open, close, zoom and control everything just by using control, command and the navigation arrows? That would really be awesome! -
Arthur7G commented
Someone else suggested the same idea and it got some votes too.
Arthur7G commented
I can focus in with "Ctrl + Enter" but no KBS to come out! Workflowy was king for fast navigation with keyboard. I could jump to the parent bullet right away without clicking up arrow constantly until I reached there. I could KBS to go up a level without touching the breadcrumb hierarchy. There and in mac os folders, I can open up all children items or just the sub level parent folders. e.g. School would open up Bio, Chem, Physics or everything inside these subfolders just for a quick preview (helpful for fast understanding of what's inside and where to crawl into next)
Same for Gesture Shortcuts on Mobile! These tiny taps we have currently have to go, we need more natural swipes for a more natural and ENJOYABLE UX.
Doug commented
I prefer to use alt-shift left/right rather than tab/shift-tab. This is also supported by other outlining apps.
Justin commented
I would like to see shortcuts for focusing on a pane. Currently , you need a mouse to jump from one pane to another.
Batista commented
I like to perform all shortcuts with my left hand only, so shortcuts that rely on keys on the right side of the keyboard are inconvenient for me. Here are a couple of suggestions:
Complete tasks: Ctrl + C, or Alt + C
Expand / Collapse: Ctrl + X, or Alt + X -
Martin Janiczek commented
It would be awesome to be able to somehow expand the sub-tree of current item too.
My use-case that's annoying right now:
- I have a lot of items and sub-items, and the majority of them is collapsed at the moment
- many of the nodes (mainly "leaf" ones) are taggedIf I search for that tag, it searches ONLY in the expanded (visible) ones. What solutions I can think of:
- search in the whole list
- or let me expand everything (and collapse back to the semi-collapsed state?) quickly - (Admin, Legend) commented
Hi Dan,
We've added a list of Keyboard Shortcuts to the Help menu (? in the top-right) which has some additional navigation options that were not exposed before. Do you a couple of specific shortcuts in mind?