Editing mode button for Andoid
The Android app is still INCREDIBLY wonky.
One major hickup seems to be the inability for the app to correctly perceive user input.
It registers drag and drop actions as attemps to hold and mark text, resulting in blue textmarker all over the outline when one attempts to drag and drop a task.
The frequent popup of the editing toolkit is also a problem, because it eats up a lot of screen real estate and is only rarely needed.
An easy workaround would be to only allow marked text as well as text editing, when one taps a switch to activate editing mode. If the switch is not tapped, the app should only allow for drag and drop, as well es gestures.
Double tapping a task should start the editing mode as well, but end it as soon as the task is closed again.

Maarten Visser commented
as much as I love Loo.do, the app the horrible. Please do have a look at workflowy, who have managed a workable interface.