Brainstorm view!
An outline can easily be programmed to have a SPATIAL layout like a corkboard with post it notes inside categories- like a giant canvas. My lists are so long, I want to use SPACE to sort things. I hate mindmaps, but I love "brainstorm view". This is TOTALLY different than mindmaps. It's SPATIAL & beautiful. To see what I'm talking about search youtube for "Imindmap 10 brainstorm view". This software works exactly like with outlines, but then it automatically switches over to "Brainstorm view"!!!!! Unfortunately while their concept is good, their implementation is poor. So currently no solution exists. I've tried to implement this with Realtimeboard. It does a good job, but is tedious. I really want to enter information easily in outline form, and then work with it in "brainstorm view"!!!
If you could implement this you would have the best system on the planet!! Better than all that mindmap trash, better than online whiteboards...
Your tool would help me to THINK!