Add configurability to Agenda view (of calendar pane)
I'd like a group of settings to configure the "sections" of the Agenda view display.
Currently the Agenda shows 'overdue', 'today', 'starred', 'important', 'tomorrow', etc. I can see why this is logical, but depending on how the user actually implements "stars" and "priority", that arrangement may not make any sense at all. For example, i do not use the colors to indicate 'priority'.
Personally, I schedule each day the night before, and during the next day, i want to focus on what is effectively my "to do list" (now that i can filter on 'checkbox' items, this works very well, thanks!). So I only want to see 'overdue' and 'today' -- and nothing else -- because those are just distractions that will stress me out. I wish i could turn those sections "off" entirely. I would also like to reorder "today" items before "overdue", so i only try and catch up on overdue items after completing those scheduled for today (rather than letting today's items go onto the overdue list).

Robert commented
Jay, could you make the collapsing work on Android?
Hey Jerud, we just released an update with part of this, so you can collapse agenda sections.