I wish that I wasn't asked to re-authenticate with my Google Gmail identity almost every day
It seems that recently, within the past 2 weeks, I am asked to re-authenticate, using my Google identity, on what seems like almost a daily basis (on Mac OS X and Chromebook devices).
Previously, the authorization to use my Google identity with moo.do was cached for at least 1 week.

Cameron Flint commented
In my case, my company has configured Google SSO tokens to expire frequently (on the order of hours). That causes the Moo.do integration with Google services to be nearly impractical.
I wonder if Moo.do could support authenticating with an app password, as an alternative to the browser-based authentication flow. In that way the credentials could be cached.
Anonymous commented
Actually, it seems that now I have to reauthenticate / reauthorize every time I reload the app... which is quite often as the app is reporting "NOT CONNECTED" more often these days.
Ideally, the authorization / authentication would be cached for at least 30 days.