'Quick Add' Android Widget
Add a "Quick Add" Android home screen widget. (Similar to Evernote or Onenote but simpler). User can click on it to add a new Item to a List of the users choice. User chooses the List when adding it to their screens (Inbox, current Project, etc). Keep the widget minimal so that the user's whole document does not need to be loaded in order for him to input each new item. User should be able to type in the new item and either hit 'Close' to close the widget or "Open App' to launch the Moo.do App. Keeping this simple would be essential to avoid the wait typically required in order to launch the full app.

Lilla Wilkinson commented
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Enrique Ricós commented
What's the deal with this one? Any progress?. Anyway, keep it up, moo is already awesome but his feature will be a huge improvement.
Enrique Ricós commented
There's a widget already, but it isn't working for me. When I hit "create new item", nothing happens, nothing is created. Am I missing something?
Tomer Ran commented
Any progress on this? This is 2018 and we love to do things quick :-)
* we also need to be able to create a new task from media/websites we are viewing (both on mobile and online = chrome extension) -
Anonymous commented
Glad I searched, because I was just about to suggest something like this.
I'm on iOS though, so an Android widget won't help me. :) Obviously I could request an analogous iOS widget or Workflow integration ... but I think a quick-add list could almost certainly just be the default view on open of any version of the regular mobile app! Probably MOST times people open the app on their mobile device, they’re looking to do something else besides load the whole outline. The desire to add a new task quickly, to some logical location, is probably a leading reason. A quick-add list would be a great default open view of the main app.
Mattis Weiler commented
Look forward to test this feature - any estimates on when it will be released?
Carlos Cadu commented
Must have! Similar suggestion (Android Widget and Saved Searches): https://feedback.moo.do/forums/274238-general/suggestions/8056359-android-widget-and-saved-searches