Public API
I used to use Trello for my GTD system, but I switched over to a couple of months back because it's awesome.
My idea (which to be honest you're already probably considering), is to make a Public API available so that external services can manipulate your documents.
My personal use case would be to write a script that would add an item to my Inbox list from Alfred (or bash maybe).

Anonymous commented
Another thing also: some of your alternatives give a possibility of adding task by sending an email. Sounds doable.
Anonymous commented
Yup, it would be nice to have some more possibilities of working with So, public API, for android there could be intents or for Linux there could be dbus interfaces. Pls do sth about it, see how many votes are there for this idea!
Giovanni commented
I have recently started to use and find it amazing. One of the first things I googled after a couple of days of using it was " api" as I would like to integrate it with some other platforms I use.
I stumbled upon this post and I wrongly thought was still storing data on google drive, that's why an pi was not available.
But, I just discovered that this is not the case any more. So, what are the reasons stopping this platform from having an api to interact with? .
I think it would be a huge step forward for
Eric Schultz commented
I agree with Philip,'s architecture makes the typical API impossible. I figure there's two possibilities:
1. On the licensing server there's a message proxy that passes the API message on to the client. Except if your client isn't running how long does it hold the message for?
2. Messages are just files on GDrive in the _Moo folder (either dropped directly there or via the aforementioned message proxy) that the client can read when it's running.
Disclaimer: I'm not really a programmer, I just talk like one online!!!
Rico commented
Excellent Idea, bring tasks from CRM into so they are all in one application. Zapier support maybe?
David Rees commented
At the vest least an "add to" API would really help.
A Kamil suggests, An API is definitely possible by acting on the Google doc itself. You can see examples of this already in the APIs for Docs, Sheets, etc..
Kamil Chmielewski commented
What about modifying " data" on GDrive with other tool? Is there a * data* format specification?
Philip Whiteside commented
I think the difficulty in this would be the architecture of There is no web server holding all the data at which an API can operate. When you go to your data is downloaded form Google Drive and then manipulated locally. With that in mind I don't believe an API is actually possible (happy to be proven wrong).
Ben commented
Agreed, this would be huge. Would love a command line utility for adding or searching by tag
Richard commented
Alfred or PopClip + = *very* powerful... I'd say this should be a big priority :-)
Justin Scott commented
I'd also like to use a public API to build little commands for adding notes from outside the app.