Make it easier to add new items inline from keyboard: "Enter" should add new line under current line, no matter where cursor is positioned
I suggest that no matter where your cursor is in a given line, hitting "enter" should simply take you to a fresh new line below.
It should do this RATHER than the current behavior of splitting the line in two wherever the cursor was.
This is how it's done in Checkvist, and it's an incredibly simple and powerful feature in a task outliner. I think this simple thing accounts for like 70% of Checkvist's superior keyboardability (which is its only real advantage of!) ;)
I almost never want to split a line in the current manner. And should I want to ever split a line, it's easy peasy: I'd just copy and paste the desired test to the next line.
Meanwhile, I'm always zipping through my outline using arrow keys and looking to add things above or below a given item. (Note: Checkvist also has hotkey Alt + Enter to add an item ABOVE the current line ... another star keyboard feature). The extra time it takes to arrow all the way over to the end of a given line (or even to "select end of line" + right arrow) then hit enter, in order to add a new line where I want it, from the keyboard, is sad. :(
Thank you! It's sometimes the simplest things that make software so much nicer for intensive use! :)

jjt3f2188 commented
I prefer the current behaviour of splitting off the text at the cursor. It is consistent with dynalist and all regular text editors I can think of.