Parsing links of known services (e.g. Youtube, Evernote) to display their icons together the links
Please, see an example of how parsed links could be displayed in
I realized the integration with Evernote is in plans, but it could even be a workaround to better interaction with Evernote before full integration is accomplished.
Since won't integrate everything, for other known services (e.g. Youtube, Dropbox) the icons being displayed together the links would improve the overall visualization and interaction with links.

Dimitrios Spirou commented
I strongly believe that this ability (for Evernote and Onenote links) will be a killing feature for many people, because they wil be able to combine the task management power of with the Note taking power of Evernote / OneNote, in a very simple and efficient way.... all we have to do is to copy paste related Evernote/ OneNote links inside the Notes of a task